
  • Strong Towns

    This is the national arm of Strong Towns. They have articles, videos, and classes you can take to further educate yourself on all things Strong Towns.

  • Urban Grand Rapids

    Written by our own Adam W, This blog is a great resource for advocacy, transportation issues, and all other things GR.

  • StreetsBlog USA

    One of our favorites to read and get mad about. They are dedicated to covering the end of car dependency in America and transition to a transportation system that works for all users.

One of the core ideas behind Strong Towns GR is informing and educating people on the ideas we are promoting as well as fostering the curiosity to ask the what if questions.

What are other cities doing? What policies are enacting change with in downtowns? What if we utilized similar ideas and methodologies here, in Grand Rapids.

Strong Towns has an excellent video describing how parking lots in downtown areas are actually a hinderance to developments.

One of the easiest steps toward making your town stronger is by preventing one of its most important resource, land, from being wasted. Parking minimums stymie growth in towns. Citizens of Fayetteville, Arkansas realized this, and inadvertently began a movement by removing parking minimums, seeking to make it easier for entrepreneurs to rejuvenate empty buildings downtown. We went there ourselves to show you exactly what that looks like. -Strong Towns

Feel free to take a look at this Youtube playlist that we have put together that is around 30 minutes, that goes in to the current issues that we feel need to be addressed.